Wednesday, February 3, 2010

my trippy stuff i did when bored for more go here

Thursday, January 28, 2010

this project was great it took me a long time to decide what the product for the boxes would be. but once i had the idea it was rather easy to complete....kinda i had no idea what to do for the third box. after we made the designs we had to print them out and assemble the boxes. i spent quite a bit of time on this project but in the end i think thy turned out good. 
So it turns out that this was actually the 7h project. the objective was to create images using letters that were suppose represent a specific object. i used both adobe illustrator and photoshop to do this one. my favorite letter was the t because well its trippy. i enjoyed doing this one because for the freedom given.
i think that this was the 7th project in graphics this year the objective was to redesign the grad ware  for our school. i used adobe photoshop to do this project. i didnt really enjoy this because we werent allowed to add any images or express our selves with this one. it had to be what our school wanted....plain
 Alright so this was another project for our grade 12 graphics class. the objective was to create a personal logo that would help to represent ourselves and our graphics work. i slightly enjoyed this project because i could be creative and do what i wanted with it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This was our fifth project this year. our objective was to create 3 event posters. we had to choose three different events from a website given to us by our teacher. i thought that part was rather lame. i would have liked this more if i could have just choose my own events entirely. and to be perfectly honest i made the third one right before posting this beacuse through out the semester i had no idea what to do. But aside from that i didnt really care one way or the other about this one. however my favorite poster is the jazz festival one =)
So this was our fourth project this year in graphic design. the objective was to create a ticket design for a fundraiser our school was having. i used the program Adobe Photoshop cs3 for this one. i enjoyed doing this project because of the freedom we had for it. As long as all the information was on the ticket it could look however we wanted it to. i personally like how this design turned out. m favorite part is the left end with the sideways font and such.