Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This was the last project this year. the objective was to make a design for a kite. this was sooo easy to do lol. but cutting out the kite and drawing it was a pain.... but worth it.

This project was about creating 3 different brochures. there had to be one about a product, an event, and a portfolio about myself. this one is the brochure i made for my portfolio. i made the layout for each part in photoshop and imported them into indesign to be printed. i didn't like this one because i had to do it about myself and i had no idea what to do it took me so many classes to get this one done . -.- 

This project was about creating 3 different brochures. there had to be one about a product, an event, and a portfolio about myself. this one is the brochure i made for the event. i made the layout for each part in photoshop and imported them into indesign to be printed. i liked this project because i got to design something for one of the largest festivals in the world \m/ <---devil horns lol. but it also annoyed me because it always takes me awhile to figure out what i want to do. -.-

This project was about creating 3 different brochures. there had to be one about a product, an event, and a portfolio about myself. this one is the brochure i made for the product. i made the layout for each part in photoshop and imported them into indesign to be printed. i liked this project because i got to design about a product that could in the end help our earth. but it also annoyed me because it always takes me awhile to figure out what i want to do. -.-
This was the first project this semester. the objective was to create a signature that was about me. I used adobe photoshop for this one. i liked doing this project because i got to show bits of myself in it. this took me awhile to complete because i kept changing different parts of the design. at one point i had cat eyes in it instead of the paw prints.......Butters is my nickname.

This was a logo i designed for the cure-a-thon that takes place at my school. I never really finished it so i didn't hand it in. -.- my bad. i used photoshop to do this design. it was very simple. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This was the last project that was assigned in my graphic design class. The objective was to choose 3 different publications from sites that were provided for us. then we had o design a C.D cover and a label for the disc itself. The program that was needed to do this project was Adobe Photoshop cs3. I Had a hard time finding  3 publication that i could design for. also after we finished the designs were finished we had to find a case that we could place our designs onto. and im not gonna lie i did a pretty bad job at putting them onto the cases. but at least i finished the project. my favorite one that i did was the publication for the 4 R's.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This was the end result for a project assigned in Graphic design this semester. The objective was to either create or redesign a can logo. The design had to be done in Adobe illustrator and there couldn't be any photographic images in the design. Also you had to create three different versions of your design. After you had all your designs you also had to find a can that you could put your design onto. so aside for doing the design you also had to cut out a can and clone stamp everything out of it so it would be ready for your design to be placed onto it. I found this project irritating because i couldn't think of anything. But in the end i was playing with the star tool and bam i had a can lol.....Waffles